Financing Your Future

Undergraduate Financial Aid
There are generally four main types of aid: Grants, Loans, Work-Study, and Scholarships. There may also be special aid options for those who are already NJ Stars, EOF recipients, transfer students, or those eligible for veteran's benefits.
Rowan Global students, regardless of how their course is offered (online, off-campus, hybrid, or face-to-face), must follow the same process for financial aid as other Rowan students. To apply for financial aid, all students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at (Rowan's FAFSA code is 002609.) Applying for the FAFSA begins the federal aid process and since it is separate from any individual school's admission process, a student does not need to be admitted to an institution to begin. Rowan Global strongly encourages its students to apply for aid early and to apply for any academic year in which they are eligible.
Active members of an NABTU applying for admission to the B.A. in Construction Management may also apply for one of 14 available scholarships. Complete an application.
For more details, including eligibility requirements, contact Alejandro Rodriguez, D.Eng. Interim Program Director at or 954-299-7274.
Degree granting programs are academic programs that lead to a degree including bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and specialist programs. While a student does not need to be admitted to apply for federal aid, a student must be admitted and matriculated (have officially accepted the offer of admission) via the signed Rowan Global Student Guide & Agreement Signature Page in order to receive federal aid should they qualify. Financial Aid cannot be packaged or applied to any Rowan student account until you are officially matriculated into an academic program. It is also not possible to apply financial aid retroactively to a previous term, even within the same academic year.
You must apply each academic year for federal aid, and while you may be awarded an estimated aid package for the year; aid is only officially disbursed by Rowan's Financial Aid Office each fall or spring term to matriculated students who are registered for the appropriate minimum number of credits that particular term. This could mean that you receive aid one term but not the next. Also keep in mind that aid might not be applicable for those matriculated Rowan Global students who begin a program mid-term because they are usually only taking one course which does not usually qualify for the federal part-time minimum enrollment for aid.
For an undergraduate-level student 6 credit hours per term is the minimum required to qualify for federal financial aid. For a graduate-level (or doctoral) student, 4.5 credit hours per term is the minimum. (These are both considered part-time status.) Financial aid is therefore not applicable for those terms in which the total number of credits for which a student is registered is fewer than 6 (for undergraduates) or 4.5 (for graduates).
Current Rowan Global students must check their Personalized Course Sequence (PCS) to determine in which terms they have enough credits to be eligible to receive federal aid. Most Rowan Global programs are set up such that matriculated Rowan Global students will meet the minimum credit hours required each term to qualify for federal financial aid, but there are a few exceptions.
Students should stay in touch with Rowan's Financial Aid Office at 856-256-4250, throughout the aid process to ensure that they have submitted all necessary documents. For more details and the most up-to-date information about financial aid, please visit the Rowan Financial Aid Office website.
Certificates of Graduate Study (COGS), Certificates of Advanced Graduate Study, Graduate Endorsements/Certifications, and Post-Baccalaureate programs are classified as non-degree programs. While not all non-degree programs are eligible for aid, some are!
Learn more about funding your non-degree program at the Office of Financial Aid.