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M.A. in Mathematics: Applied Mathematics

A Rowan student sits inside an academic building overlooking campus.

Program Overview

The Rowan Experience
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Our Master of Arts (M.A.) in Mathematics provides an opportunity to pursue advanced study in mathematics and develop the skills to help lead you to success in today's technologically-oriented society. Whether the goal involves applying mathematics to solve problems in business and industry, teaching in higher education, preparing for further graduate study in mathematics or related fields, or working in a rapidly the growing field of big data analysis as a statistician, this program enables each student to pursue a course of study that is appropriate for their interests.

To address these varying interests, we offer three concentrations: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics.

Applied Mathematics

Career Outlook

An advanced degree in applied mathematics opens the door for careers, applying mathematical methods for problem-solving across a broad range of industries. Many of these positions are in-demand: Mathematics ranked in the top 10 of “The Best Master’s Degree for Jobs” by Forbes in 2017 and the top 10 of “Best-paying Master’s Degrees” by

Admissions Information

Deadlines, Tuition & Financial Aid

The chart below details available entry terms for the M.A. in Mathematics: Applied Mathematics Concentration program as well as corresponding application deadlines. Submitting the Application Form is only the first step to beginning the admission process. All of the required materials listed above must be received on or before the application completion deadline for your desired entry term to be considered for admission to that term. We encourage you to complete the application form and begin submitting your materials at least one month before the deadline indicated.

Entry Term Application Deadline
Fall July 1
Spring November 1
Summer April 1
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